FR Presentations is a full-service presentations development agency located in Bethesda, MD. For 25+ years, we've specialized in creating high-quality, custom presentations that help presenters harness best presentation practices to gain mindshare for their messages and bring their ideas to life.
We've learned a lot along the way. It's our belief that the best presentations are based on clear-thinking, captivating storytelling, and powerful imagery. When we develop a presentation, we think about it on two levels.
The first is the presenter's objective(s). Every presenter has an objective: to persuade, to motivate, to educate, and/or to illuminate. We partner with the presenter to fulfill their objective(s) with a story that creates audience buy-in and impactful graphics that bring their ideas to life.
On a higher level, we are working to build the presenter's "brand", to insure that they stand out, that they are listened to, and that they succeed.
Our expertise, experience and commitment have earned us a seat at conference tables in corporations across the U.S., and the trust and respect of the executives that run them.
Cloud-based project management enables you to track progress, share files, download drafts, and provide input and feedback for the duration of your project. All your files are in a single location and can be accessed from anywhere, anytime, on any device.
A calendar, to-dos and email notifications keep everyone accountable and the project moving forward to meet your deadline. Collaboration has never been so easy.
For over two decades, FR Presentations has led the industry and set the standard for excellence in presentation development and information visualization for business audiences. Our broad sector experience, deep client relationships, specialized presentation solutions and commitment to excellence enable us to be a world-class service provider to our clients for their presentation needs.